Monday, January 6, 2014

2014 - year of Awakening! (Energy Update)

                   The past couple of years have been powerful ones. A lot has shifted in the energetic structure of our planet, and as a result – our lives. Our inner alignment is changing as we are Awakening more and more to the Truth of who we are, and 2014 will be a continuation of that.
                I’d like to offer you an intuitive perspective of the big picture at play here to help put all of these changes we are experiencing in a greater context, so we can understand where we’ve been and embrace where we’re going.
                So let’s back up to the much anticipated 2012. What was that really all about?
                In a nut shell – the end of 2012 represented the end of a karmic cycle for humanity. What that means for us as Lightworks is that up until that point, when we incarnated into these physical vessels, we inherited some of the karma of the earth plane through our family line. And we were playing the role of “undercover” Lightworker, working to transform that energy through our own bodies, in order to liberate it for the collective.
                We volunteered to come here and take on this burden, to make it lighter for others so there would be more opportunity to discover personal freedom and healing.
                But as of December 2012, we no longer need to do that anymore! Yay!! Enough space had been created in the collective and we turned an energetic corner and entered a new paradigm that we get to now be at the forefront of ushering in!
                2013 then has been a year devoted to releasing the shackles of that old paradigm. You may not have noticed a significant difference in your experience between 2012 and 2013, and that’s because while we had stepped out of the old paradigm, our bodies where still holding the posture of that way of being. And it’s taken a bit of time (this past year) for the body and subconscious to start to release those old postures. Much like if you clench your fist hard for several minutes, when you finally relax it, your hand still holds the position of a clenched fist, because that’s what the muscles where conditioned to do, and it can be painful to stretch your fingers back out into full extension again.
So in 2013 (and throughout 2011 and 2012 as we were preparing for this), there was a lot of releasing going on for us Lightworkers. Many of us went through some big life changes, or deep inner shifts and purging, all as a way to shake up the energy and start to shed that old way of being, and learn to trust this new way that is emerging.
This year is about allowing our energy to re-align into its own natural resting place, instead of being pulled and pushed by the forces of the 3rd dimensional earth plan. It’s about remembering who we really are, and embodying that again.
So there’s a restructuring going on this year, as we release the last of the outdated patterns from our DNA, and the new structure (the crystalin DNA – our original Soul blueprint) begins to activate and become integrated in our physical bodies and subconscious mind.
I’m calling this the Year of Awakening, because it’s the year that we really start to Remember and step into ourselves as Divine Beings.
If things have felt stagnant for you in the past couple years, like not a lot is shifting in your external reality, just know that it’s because we’ve been at the end of a cycle (energy and consciousness moves in cycles). So it hasn’t been time yet for something new to come into your reality, as you needed to allow the shift to happen internally, raising you to the next level in consciousness. Here you can begin brand new and receive, from a clear space, the new opportunities available to you. 2014 will be that new beginning for many of us, as the energy of the new paradigm is coming in now, and we are crossing that energetic threshold from the old to the new.
The message that’s coming through as we begin this New Year is that we can’t manifest by trying to push and bend reality to our will anymore. There is a deeper force at work within us now, I call it Grace, and that’s where our power to create comes from in this new paradigm.
It requires us to get quiet and go within, feeling our heart space, and listening to what feels right. There’s a surrender involved here, and a trust that our life is held by a bigger plan, and we only need to know what is right for us to know in each moment.
As we cross this bridge into the new paradigm, we may not know what’s coming up very far in advance, as we are in a state of transition, and need to just place one foot in front of the other, according to what feels right in our heart. Tuning into our emotional body is important here – making choices that feel joyful, free, and relaxed, and releasing the choices that feel strained or overly stressful. And if stress still arises as part of daily life, then taking exceptionally good care of yourself, and offering that part of you more Love then you’ve ever dared to before.
Once the new energy has more fully anchored and the inner alignment with our Soul has taken hold, new clarity and inspiration will emerge to guide us to manifesting the next chapter for our life in the physical. So if this hasn’t happened for you yet, hang tight! It’s all being worked out!
This year of Awakening and restructuring will be followed in 2015 by a year of celebrating and fully embodying the Light that we are as Awakened Beings. The new paradigm of 5th dimensional consciousness will become fully anchored in the physical world. Hooray!!!!!!!! What a miraculous time to be alive! I’m so glad we all stayed to be a part of this, as these next few years will really be “the good part” of this action movie called Ascension!

Love and Blessings to you, wherever you are! Wishing you a Joyful, Abundant, and Miraculous year! 

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