I have been thinking about the Throat Chakra a lot recently, as I am preparing to teach a class on it next week. And I asked the question to the universe, "What causes the Throat Chakra to become closed, constricted, or blocked?" And one of the answers that comes to me today that intrigues me to talk about, is the human phenomenon of "waiting."
Waiting for what?
Anything that we imagine will bring us the happiness, or love, or comfort that we feel we don't have enough of right now. Or, waiting for the opportunity to start giving the gifts and love that we have inside of us to share.
When we are waiting, we are holding out for something, and so a part of us is held back from being fully expressed in this moment.
Holding back = closed throat chakra. And having a closed or blocked throat chakra causes our sense of vitality to go way down. We lose the sense of creative flow, and can feel stuck or stagnant in our life, causing depression.
We all get caught in the waiting game, it's just a matter of being honest enough with ourselves to admit the ways we are doing it in our own lives.
We could be feeling stuck in a job we don't really like, waiting for a better opportunity to come our way, holding out for the day we can finally feel inspired about what we are doing.
Or maybe we are holding ourselves back from moving on in a relationship, hoping that the person will change one day and be able to be who we want them to be.
Or it could be more subtle, like waiting for someone to recognize and appreciate who we are before we feel like we can really BE that. Or waiting to be around the right kind of people until we let ourselves be fully seen.
It's nothing to beat ourselves up about. Waiting is part of the human ego system. It's how we were wired to think and relate to life. But as we awaken, our perception shifts, and we can stop looking at things in such a limited linear way - as if A + B = C (Happiness). And instead, open to the possibility that happiness is here for us right now! The moment we STOP waiting!
When we are waiting, we are affirming that there is something we don't have that we need Life to bring to us. And we think that if we just follow all the "rules" and guidelines and play all our cards right, then Life will grant us that thing.
But when we awaken, we see that this is how we give our power away, and when we are dis-empowered, we only attract the circumstances that allow us to continue feeling that way - to allow us to continue waiting and wanting and never getting, because we are chasing that proverbial carrot on a stick.
When we are waiting, we are judging that this moment is not yet worthy of our full unbridled love and attention. It's this holding back of our love and attention that really hurts us. When we are chasing that carrot, whatever it may be, we are denying that we have within us already that which we truly want. Our mind has gotten sold on the idea that we can only experience what's inside of us through having this external thing or circumstance enter our reality. So we are denying our own power, our own love, our own creativity. This is what causes the throat chakra to get shut down.
The solution then? Stop holding back and start giving what it is we are waiting for! Here's an exercise to help with this:
First, get clear on what is really at the core of whatever you are holding out for. Ask yourself this question:
"What will having _____________________ give me that I imagine I don't have enough of right now?"
There may be words like love, security, inspiration, connection, freedom, etc.
Now think of ways you can start to give those qualities to yourself. How can you give more love to yourself? Sometimes it's as simple as telling yourself "I love you." Or with freedom, sometimes just saying to yourself "I give you full permission to be who you are!" allows there to be that sense of freedom within that you've been craving.
And then think about how you can give more of those qualities to others. How can you love others more? How can you give others the freedom to be who they are? How can you connect more deeply with the people around you? Start giving those things and feeling the satisfaction that comes with it, and watch how your world begins to shift in miraculous ways!
It's also important to consider if there are any decisions that we know we should make but haven't, because we've been holding back out of fear, or the hope that something will change. To take our power back, we must turn towards those choices and choose what we know in our heart will allow us to stop holding out and start living. In order to be happy, we have to stop waiting for other people and life to change before we can be who we came here to be! This requires belief in our worthiness to receive our own love. And sometimes just daring to do it, even if we don't fully believe in our worthiness yet is the only way to start building that new relationship of love and worthiness with ourselves.
Life is all an inside job. As we make these internal shifts in perception, and commit to no longer holding our love and gifts back from ourselves and others, our Throat Chakra and Heart can open freely, and Life can manifest around us in new and supportive ways!
Love and Blessings to you all! I LOVE YOU! :-)
And for more information about my upcoming Throath Chakra class, check out my web site: http://www.jessicaanneagnew.com/Events.html